The Art of Streetplay

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Thoughts on Quantitative Trading

Being able to identify homogeneity in the financial markets seems to be a driving concept when doing quant trading. Classification and homogeneity are two sides of the same coin-- if all securities in the financial markets were unique, all being driven by uncorrelated processes, it seems that you're shit out of luck. A useful classification is able to identify things which tend to trade the same way-- and of course when two things trade the same way, a proper long-short of the two leaves you with a nice stationary, mean reverting process (this, by the way, is the essence behind cointegration-optimal hedging and indexing). So let's assume for a moment that the goal is identifying homogeneity in some way, shape or form in the financial markets. Where the hell do you begin. I believe you begin by making the decision of whether or not to adopt an inclusive or exclusive paradigm. The inclusive paradigm, which seems to be the most popular (perhaps because it relies on the least granular information?), is to identify very broad trends in the market. For example, there may be tens of thousands of stocks trading right now, but if I were to bucket them into capitalization-based deciles, trends begin to form when looking at one-year-forward expected returns. In other words, broad-based homogeneity begins to surface. At that point, we may attempt to identify what we consider to be "the next best classifier," which would then split the deciles into subdeciles, each of which is then even more homogeneous. I bet a lot of people have made good money adopting this paradigm, and to be honest, it's the paradigm I personally have had the most experience with up until this point. But inclusive classification has many downsides which aren't entirely obvious. First of all, the sometimes extreme level of broadness makes it all the more difficult to identify what classifier is indeed the 'best'. Second of all, inclusive classifications tend to carry with them longer time horizons, which aren't necessarily able to be traded on by desks or funds which need strong enough mean reversion to ensure them a decent probability of success over shorter time intervals. That being said, there are some serious benefits to a proper long-short-based inclusive classification trading strategy. Most notably, the broader the set of stocks involved in the long-short, the less exposed you are (obviously) to the idiosyncratic risk which is so prevalent in equities. Maybe in equities, the nature of equities' idiosyncracy makes this the best paradigm to choose. But the same isn't really true of more quantifiable securities; especially fixed income securities. Take municipal bonds, for example. While it may be conceivable to construct a broad trading strategy around municipals, a ton of polluting factors make things more difficult. First of all there is the issue of liquidity (this actually exists with equities as well). Two securities may look the same and be structured in the same fashion, but if one happens to be less liquid than the other, the more liquid security in an efficient market should demand some sort of a premium. This would then require quantifying the bid ask spread. But that is a classification nightmare in and of itself, if one makes the assumption in the first place that there is some way to quantify it (and yes, there is). Next take the fact that bonds can be issued in any number of states, have all sorts of varying call provisions, bond types (ie. revenue, GO, double barrel, water and sewer, credit rating, insurance, ..., ). It's a fixed income instrument, but it has quite a few idiosyncratic elements. Broad categorizations inevitably fall into the trap of being too general. So rather than pursue the inclusive paradigm, the paradigm then becomes that of exclusion. That is, find on some truly granular level those securities which tend to be homogeneous in some fashion. Then (as long as your dataset is granular enough), peel off the layers of idiosyncracy from your generic set to other sets, quantifying the various credit spreads which should be applied relative to your reference rate (in the case of municipals, the municipal curve). It's interesting that these paradigms are so vastly different from one another. It's also interesting to contrast these lines of thought with that of value investing. Value investing seems to thrive on the idiosyncracy of individual stocks. And yet that is what in some ways kills quant strategies.


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